Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Day 2 Joshi Detox

I am very tired today and really really want some COFFEE, but I say no to temptation and have my oatmeal with honey. Throughout the day I have a headache and not sure if its because of work or the detox. * Joshi warns of headaches the first few days because your body is releasing all the toxins.
I went to the gym after work and was alittle weak on the eliptical but got through it and by the time I got home I was exhausted but really wanted to cook my lunch for day 3...well this did not go over so well. I love to cook and I am pretty good at it, but in my tired state had forgot to get the frozen chicken out of the freezer before I went to the after putting the very frozen chicken under hot water and leaving it out to try to thaw it, I gave up and threw it out because it looked gross and kinda scared me AND its hitting 10pm, so I steamed some green beans and asparagus and that is what I'll have for lunch on day 3. As for dinner, was too tired so had a rice cake and gluten free cereal, soy milk and honey. I think my honey intake is a bit much.

Breakfast: Oatmeal with honey
Lunch: Mixed greens salad with grilled chicken, steamed spinach and alittle hummus.
Snack: Rice cake, live yoghurt with honey and a banana.
Dinner: Rice cake, gluten free cereal with honey and soy milk.

Day 1 Dr. Joshi Holistic Detox

On Monday May 24th I started the 21 day Dr. Joshi Holistic Detox! Now I have done the detox before, but only for 7 days right before my birthday because many women I work with had just finished their 21 days and looked amazing, so I wanted to try it out and see what all the buzz was about. And after 7 days I did feel amazing and had lost weight.

So in present time my birthday was 8 months ago and within the past 2 weeks my very pregnant best friend and her daughter have come to visit me, where I ate like a pregnant women...she wanted ice cream, so I had ice cream, she craved pizza, so of course I ate pizza! And then my mother came to visit and we ate out every meal!
So its now almost June, bikini season, and I would like to look and feel amazing this summer, so I am trying the Joshi Detox for the full 21 days!!!

Dr. Joshi's book is very helpful, so if your considering the detox, I recommended buying the book.

Let's get down to the nitty gritty, what can you not eat and what can you eat!

Joshi foods to avoid:

Red Meat
Dairy Produce, except soy milk
Fruit, except bananas
Wheat, gluten and yeast
Alcohol- this is gonna be the hard one!
Nightshades- cucumbers, peppers, tomatoes
Jams, spreads
Coffee and tea, except herbal tea
Sugar, Chocolate, sweets
Artificially produced flavourings- Ketchup, vinegar, mustard
Joshi foods to eat:
White meat- chicken and turkey
Brown rice, rice cakes
Buffalo mozzarella, goats cheese, ricotta and cottage cheese
Live yoghurt
Dark green vegetables, except Avocado 1 per week
Eggs, no more than 3 -4 week
Fish, especially oily, but NO shellfish, tuna or swordfish
Gluten free/Wheat Free cereals and breads
Olive oil
Pulses, lentils, chick peas
Soya and tofu products

Prior to Day 1 I did the Master Cleanse (liquid lemon drink detox) for 2 days- Im gettin serious now!
It makes any detox easier if you do an all-liquid diet at least 24 hours prior.

Day 1 Joshi Detox:
Breakfast: Plain oatmeal with honey
Lunch: Grilled chicken, brown rice, steamed spinach
Snack: Rice cake, live yoghurt w honey
Dinner: Lentil soup

Day 1 was pretty easy, I was pretty tired though and did have a wondering eye for my coffee truck guy on my way to work! 20 Days To Go!